Electronic Components
Lighting and Optics
Our suppliers

Large range of LEDs for illumination, signage and horticulture

Commodity LEDs, 7-Segments displays and Opto parts

Optics for lighting

Commodity LEDs, IR and 7-Segments

Optics for lighting

Commodity LEDs, UV LEDs, 7-Segments displays and Opto part

Hall Elements, Pyroelectric infrared, Ultrasonic and gas Sensors.

Large range of LEDs for IR, illumination, signage and horticulture

Large range of LED drivers and lighting products

Large range of LED drivers and lighting products

Commodity LEDs, 7-Segments displays

Silicon Carbide Power and GaN on Silicon Carbide RF MOSFETs and Diodes for Aerospace and Radar
For Datasheets, Pricing and Technical Support, please contact our team.